Born and raised in the rolling foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Robert C. Murray spent his childhood exploring every corner of his back yard inventing worlds from the shrubs and stones. When not outside or ankle-deep in Lego bricks (more worlds to invent) he had his nose in a book: fiction, non-fiction, reference, the occasional thick menu. Much like Hemingway, he used a toy typewriter (and his cub reporter sister) to pioneer independent publishing with a homemade newspaper.
RCM has made your hamburger at McDonald's, filed your HR paperwork, fixed your computer more times than anyone cares to admit, and plays a variety of brass and percussion instruments even when people ask him to stop (all the music you hear in the book trailers and on the Left Hand Poetry podcast are his original compositions). He now provides expert consulting on world-class collaboration software and practices in the day, and writes poetry and science fiction when time allows within his wonderfully busy family life with his wife and 3 amazing kids. And their dogs and cats.
For the curious, his alter ego "AK Moray" was an experiment for what happens when he decides to explore the Human Condition absent the SciFi element.
RCM has made your hamburger at McDonald's, filed your HR paperwork, fixed your computer more times than anyone cares to admit, and plays a variety of brass and percussion instruments even when people ask him to stop (all the music you hear in the book trailers and on the Left Hand Poetry podcast are his original compositions). He now provides expert consulting on world-class collaboration software and practices in the day, and writes poetry and science fiction when time allows within his wonderfully busy family life with his wife and 3 amazing kids. And their dogs and cats.
For the curious, his alter ego "AK Moray" was an experiment for what happens when he decides to explore the Human Condition absent the SciFi element.
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